Log your meals: Fresh Faith automatically keeps a food diary for you.
Start building better habits: Our simple solution for weight loss is guided habit change.” Follow the steps and tasks in Fresh Faith’s habit change epic. We’ve done all the hard work for you! Just keep making progress.
And More...
We’ve built an app that really works!
Here’s what you’ll to do to build better habits:
Fresh Faith Marketplace
Portion Control Bowl
Unbreakable Divided Plates
The Calorie Counting Wine Glass
4x Bariatric Plates for Portion Control
Oil Sprayer for Cooking
Food Portions And Serving Sizes Control Chart Poster
Porcelain Portion Control Dinner Plate
Fit Church: Destroying the Division between Following Christ and Living a Healthy Life
Fresh Faith Marketplace
About us
Fresh Faith is a family-owned company dedicated to a Christian apologetic outreach in the health and fitness industry reestablishing Biblical teaching as the only way to true mind, body, spirit health and wellbeing. Our aim is sustainable weight loss. Our charge is to share the Gospel.